
Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Here We Go Again

So as I posted before, Bree was steadily improving from her RSV. However, in the middle of the night, all heck broke loose...again. She was doing the belly breathing- having retractions in her rib cage as well as her throat. Her nostrils were flaring and she was doing the grunting again. I spent most of the night up with her doing breathing treatments and nasal suctioning (gross) and trying to decide whether or not to bring her back to the ER. Finally, she fell asleep and we were able to make it to morning.
We all ended up sleeping too late after our rough night and so it was 10:20 before the girls even got up out of their cribs...I know...I suck. Anyhow...I talked to the pediatrician on the phone and we decided to wait an hour and see how she was after a dose of Tylenol. So we did and she was a bit better so now we are waiting and watching to see which way she'll go. What fun. To say the least, the day is not very productive. It consists mostly of me sitting with her constantly picking her up to see how she's breathing. She is coughing and sleeping off and on. Brice is taking full advantage of the situation to get into all sorts of things he normally knows better than to do. The girls are cranky and clingy. Alexandria spent a good portion of the morning on the floor rolling and writhing around screaming because she couldn't be held. Lunch was a full blown fiasco as the babies were seemingly starving and kept downing everything I could get on their trays. Sydney is in desperate need of a good cuddle...Drew is wasting a full weekday stuck on the wii...we are waiting (and waiting and waiting and waiting) for his first shipment of materials from his new school. They say its been shipped so its just a matter of it arriving. Enrolling in this has taken wayyyy too much time. It's like he's on a never ending vacation. Reality will smack him in the face soon when his lessons arrive though and he's putting in some long hours to get up to date...
God help me, other kids will be arriving home from school shortly and there is still so much to idea what's for dinner...
Praying we can get through the weekend without returning to the hospital with Bree...
Please keep praying for little Tuesday. Her mom has posted a heartbreaking new post on thier blog. Please read it and pray for them. Her mom is so very appreciative of prayers.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you're having such a rough time! Hope you figured out something simple for dinner! Wish I was closer so I could help out!
Praying right now!
Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Anonymous said...

How's everything going today?
"I'm but a stranger here, Heav'n is my Home" of my favorite hymns. It's such a comforting thought! Know that I'm praying!
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Prayer Bears
My email address

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