
Stalked by the Stork...a diary of raising twelve kids

Having twelve children is an amazing blessing and one heck of a crazy ride. Join us through all the joys, smiles, tribulations and trials as we navigate this fabulous journey!

Friday, May 16, 2008

WIC, Strep-Throat and the OB appointment

Oh, the strep has spread. Guess who has it now??? ME! As Debi would say "Oh Joy of Joys."
So on Tuesday after Brandon's appointment, I could feel myself getting sick and by that night, sure enough, I knew it was comming. Too bad for me though, cause we had a WIC appointment at what I thought was 11:00 and Albert had already informed me that I'd better make it this time! I do have a small habit of rescheduling WIC appointments, but that's because every single time I go, there is some chaotic drama that leaves me completely drained for the remainder of the week. I tell you, the WIC office and I are just not compatible. I've even considered taking on a weekend job just to pay for formula and thereby escape the WIC clinic. But I digress...
Anyhow, I woke up on Wednesday and felt horrible. Sore throat. I dragged myself to the bathroom mirror to have a peep at my tonsils. Sure enough, red, swollen and spotted. Great. Also, my head was throbbing. Really throbbing.
I watched miserably as Albert left for work. Have I mentioned lately that I am harboring a HUGE jealousy toward Albert's two jobs? I thought of his 30 blissful moments on the interstate he'd surely spend listening to the radio uninterupted. It would be music he chose, music he liked. Certainally not the Veggie Tales C.D that I'm stuck with while driving in the car...on the rare occasion that I am in the CAR since our Van has NO MUSIC due to a broken system...but I digress again.
I lumbered to the nursery and got the babies up and dressed. I fed them breakfast. I milled around the house looking for the various pay stubs, mortgage statements, tax paperwork, bank statements ect that I need for the WIC people. I couldn't find most of it. I guess I shoulda started the search a little earlier. I dug around the cabinet for the yellow WIC card and as I pulled it out I realized that my appointment time actually started at 10:15. What the heck??? I looked closer. Ah yes, Sydney's appointment was at 10:15 and MINE was at 11:00. Oh, what time is it now???? 9:52. Yikes. Doesn't look like we're going to make it. I threw on clothes (I swear I NEVER make it to WIC actually showered) I load babies (Brice first now....I've learned my lesson!) I discover that the van is out of gas. Albert has the bank card at work. This means I get to go inside the gas station to write a check.
As I arrive at WIC I pray that I will not be trapped in parking hell the way that I have been many times. I find an empty space marked "Health Dept Patient." Okay, close enough. I pull in.
The stroller unloads easily and in I go. I have yet an extra kid with me cause Brandon is still home from school. I avoid eye contact from the many other WIC goers (and employees) who never fail to comment on the size of the stroller or the abundance of its contents.
I'm too late for Sydney's appointment but kindly, they offer to just cancell mine and give Sydney my spot so we can at least get the formula coupons.
Suprise, Suprise- Brice is on his worst behavior at WIC.
It passes quickly, though I have to return next week for my appointment.....:(
When we get home, I call the OB's office and beg for a RX because I KNOW I have strep now.
"Sorry" tells me nurse Laura. "You'll have to go to urgent care and get swabbed there before you can be treated."
"Okay," I reply and hang up.
Wait a minute. NO. Heck No. I absouletly cannot go to urgent care. Albert is working both jobs and will be gone till midnight. I am not going to sit in urgent care with sick kids and whining babies. I call again and say that I want my midwife to call me.
She does and mercifully agrees to call me in a RX since we already have confirmed strep in the house. I go pick it up. It's a Z-Pack. It tears up my stomach and I spend the rest of the night running to the bathroom every 10 minutes. I fix corn dogs and potato chips for dinner. I know Albert won't be thrilled but at that moment I don't give a rip.
The next day, I feel much better. My OB appointment is that evening. I fear it all day because I know I need to discuss with the doctor the fact that I have changed in my perspective on the way women give birth in our country. I know I need to tell her that I want things to be different. I am fearful of her reaction. Will she think I'm crazy??? Sometimes I think I'm crazy, so why wouldn't she??? Will she be mad???
I get there and the receptionist give me the "New OB" paperwork to fill out. I kid you not, I filled it out 5 weeks ago when I visited the midwife but the receptionist insistes that this was "Different" paperwork. I tell you, this is the 3rd year IN A ROW I've been there. They have all this info many, many times on file. The reason I hate to fill it out is that there is a big section where you must list all of your previous pregnancies..what type of birth you had..complications, vaginal/c-section, names of your kids, how many weeks gestation you were. For me, this is a full scale written assignment. And needless to say, there are NEVER enough lines for me so I must start filling out the bottom of the page and the back. I draw in frowny faces next the the words "C-Section" under "Type of birth " for the twins. I feel an odd sense of power in doing this.
When the OB comes in she sits down and goes over my papers. She stops and looks at the frowny faces. I suddenly wish I'd not drawn them in. I didn't think she'd really look.
I start my rehearsed explanation of what I want to do differently. To my shock and amazement, she is super receptive!!! She is very supportive and encouraging and is totally willing to help me have the birth that I want. She tells me the things that she needs to have in place and I tell her the things I want in place and we both agree! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from me and I feel so releived. She doesn' t think I'm crazy for wanting my older children present at my birth (though the hospital won't allow it anyhow) She says her children were present for her births and her 4 year old cut the cord. (Emanuel cut Brice's cord at his birth). I tell her I want to keep my placenta to plant under a tree and that I hope she won't think I'm crazy. She tells me that since her placenta is out in her back yard helping a tree grow, that No, she doesn't think I'm crazy. Unfortunately though, the state of IL probably won't allow me to remove my placenta from the hospital b/c they view it as an infection risk. Albert will be thrilled b/c when I told him of my placental plans he replied "And let me guess who gets to bring it home and plant"
So that's the last couple days at our house.
Brandon is back at school today. He has a field trip to Grant's Farm. Both Manny and Drew have had really cool field trips this week. Tonight we're going to have a meeting about everyone's trips and what what they liked the most. Then I'll do a post about each of their trips.
Oh gosh, Brice is getting into the DVD collection. Gotta run!


Nana said...

So, you want to plant your placenta under a tree. Interesting. Let me give you a splendid motherly idea. When you start having these thoughts as to what to do with your placenta, stop yourself. Be productive. Take the energy you are putting into thinking about placenta planting and use it to wash windows, clean out that laundry room. My personal favorite would be for you to change out your mini blinds! As for the older ones wanting to be in the delivery room - again - which one of them wants to be there? Let me know -
I need to have a talk with them.
I answered my phone when you called, but there was alot of commotion in the background and you couldn't hear me. I'll call you in a bit.
Do I sound cranky to you? If not, then let me warn you - I AM. Your sister has been on the couch since Sunday. Funny how she can go get a cappucino shake but can't get up for anything else! Seriously, she is still in a lot of pain.
I love you so very much - even if you are getting a little weird in your old age. Instead of calling you Mary Mother, can I now call you Placenta Planter!!

BoufMom9 said...

YIKES Ang! I am glad you are feeling better & THRILLED to hear your OB is going to do just about everything you want. YIPPEE!
Hey! Do me a favor, call me! My phone is doing "that thing again" and won't let me call you. whaaaaa!
Call my cell cos guess what I'll be doing tomorrow....go ahead, guess...

TONYA said...

Yeah honey, I'm so glad that the OB was sooo receptive to what you wanted.

I think I'd rather listen to veggie tales than the hip hop/rap/gangsta music that I have to put up with everytime Jay is with me LOL.

Seriously, love nana's comments :)

Debbie and Aron Moore and the Moore boys! said...

I love reading your blog, you write with such hummor, I love it! I am so glad your OBGYN was so reseptive of your plans, that is wonderful!

Jane said...

Strep throat hurts like hell.

LOVE nana's comments.

Placenta planter! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Placenta planter - I must say I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of drama in your wic appointment...I can usually count on lots of craziness in those posts...Just kidding -I don't really look forward to you having to go to those b/c I know how you hate them, and I'm glad this one was relatively uneventful! Hope you're feeling better!
-erub (or erin with my hand placed in the proper place!)

The Romero-Schroeder said...

I have to say that i LOVE your post as always,and i look forward to reading NANA comments! you two crack me up!

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